Posn Stage 23
Longueville 23
4.03 miles
116 5:16.5
21 5:19.4
35 5:20.9
43 5:21.5
58 5:21.8
626 5:24.7
77 5:24.8
812 5:24.9
923 5:24.9
1017 5:27.3
1124 5:28.3
1227 5:29.7
1320 5:32.5
1419 5:32.7
1518 5:35.4
1614 5:35.9
1744 5:38.5
1835 5:40.2
1948 5:40.2
2034 5:40.5
2132 5:40.7
2238 5:41.2
2321 5:43.6
2441 5:44.3
2553 5:45.9
2651 5:47.0
2731 5:47.7
2847 5:48.6
2943 5:49.8
3037 5:50.3
319 5:50.7
3246 5:52.3
3358 5:58.2
3442 5:58.9
3552 6:00.7
3639 6:00.9
3767 6:02.2
3845 6:02.7
3936 6:06.3
4057 6:18.1
4160 6:18.4
4263 6:20.1
4349 6:22.0
4469 6:30.3
4530 6:30.9
4665 6:31.7
4754 6:34.9
4873 6:37.1
4956 6:40.8
5062 6:52.4
5168 6:54.5
5270 7:12.4

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 12th October 2013 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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