Posn Stage 15
Greve 15
4.39 miles
Stage 16
Ouen 16
5.06 miles
Stage 17
Greve 17
4.39 miles
Stage 18
Ouen 18
5.06 miles
119 5:54.518 12:03.616 17:36.316 23:33.9
218 5:54.623 12:03.623 17:36.523 23:33.9
323 5:56.816 12:04.819 17:52.519 23:52.1
416 5:57.919 12:15.117 17:59.917 24:01.1
517 6:11.617 12:21.318 18:00.218 24:02.4
645 6:32.643 13:23.143 19:33.343 26:01.6
767 6:38.345 13:36.345 19:46.745 26:27.6
843 6:40.467 13:36.667 19:53.667 26:45.8
938 6:41.538 14:06.038 20:41.238 27:23.2
1054 7:05.654 14:44.673 21:27.854 29:08.3
1156 7:17.173 14:49.854 21:39.573 29:16.0
1273 7:18.756 14:54.056 21:58.356 29:28.7

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 12th October 2013 at 18:15 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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