Posn Stage 1
Kershope 1
10.72 miles
14 11:29
22 11:34
35 11:43
46 11:44
51 11:51
68 11:53
714 11:58
83 11:59
910 12:00
107 12:01
1122 12:04
1212 12:09
1315 12:11
1417 12:12
1511 12:16
1618 12:17
1723 12:33
1827 12:38
1924 12:39
2026 12:41
2130 12:42
2220 12:45
2329 12:49
2431 12:58
2556 13:13
2651 13:17
2753 13:20
2852 13:23
299 13:30
3033 13:31
3155 13:33
3258 13:46
3334 14:01
3459 14:06
3561 14:21
3662 14:28
3760 14:41
3825 20:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 21st June 2014 at 15:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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