Posn Stage 1
5.00 miles
12 4:54
25 4:54
31 4:56
414 4:59
56 5:05
63 5:07
749 5:10
89 5:16
918 5:21
1012 5:22
1122 5:22
1215 5:26
1353 5:29
1451 5:31
1516 5:32
1621 5:32
1752 5:35
1845 5:37
1926 5:38
2017 5:39
2128 5:43
2254 5:43
2325 5:47
2427 5:47
2520 5:49
2638 5:52
2736 5:54
2840 5:56
2930 5:57
3024 5:58
3133 5:58
3239 5:58
3337 6:03
3441 6:05
3532 6:08
3635 6:11
3731 6:15
3842 6:15
3946 6:37
4044 6:39
4143 6:44
4219 7:12
4348 7:32
4447 7:36
4550 7:44
4611 14:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 4th October 2015 at 17:40 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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