Posn Stage 1
4.90 miles
11 4:46
23 5:00
39 5:01
44 5:06
57 5:07
625 5:10
75 5:11
86 5:12
924 5:12
1010 5:14
1115 5:14
1219 5:15
1359 5:15
1414 5:17
1511 5:20
1620 5:21
1758 5:21
188 5:24
1939 5:27
2016 5:29
2117 5:29
2231 5:29
2326 5:31
2434 5:31
2521 5:32
2629 5:35
2718 5:38
2827 5:38
2922 5:41
3030 5:45
3136 5:49
3242 5:51
3335 5:53
3441 5:54
3549 5:54
3654 5:54
3723 6:02
3848 6:03
3951 6:03
4046 6:05
4153 6:05
4252 6:06
4344 6:07
4443 6:08
4556 6:13
4640 6:16
4738 6:26
4847 6:26
4955 6:27
5050 6:28
5145 6:46
5257 7:35
5332 9:10
5412 14:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 7th August 2016 at 18:30 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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