Posn Stage 9
The Curraghs 1
6.83 miles
Stage 10
Andreas 1
7.29 miles
14 7:024 6:42
29 7:036 6:44
335 7:1014 6:44
416 7:169 6:47
53 7:173 6:55
614 7:1815 7:00
727 7:1935 7:01
815 7:2526 7:03
926 7:2827 7:03
1017 7:2912 7:04
1129 7:3229 7:04
1222 7:3611 7:05
1324 7:3717 7:07
1486 7:3822 7:10
1544 7:4016 7:13
1612 7:4124 7:18
1721 7:4221 7:20
186 7:4360 7:23
1911 7:4586 7:23
2020 7:4648 7:26
2143 7:5044 7:27
2245 7:5220 7:28
2330 7:5330 7:28
2434 7:5328 7:29
2540 7:5357 7:34
2648 7:5340 7:35
2760 7:5362 7:37
2865 7:5434 7:38
2937 7:5845 7:38
3028 8:0251 7:39
3150 8:0265 7:39
3264 8:0243 7:40
3373 8:0237 7:41
3451 8:0641 7:43
3549 8:0949 7:43
3641 8:1564 7:45
3762 8:1573 7:48
3884 8:1852 7:55
3957 8:2056 7:58
4087 8:2779 7:59
4163 8:3074 8:01
4247 8:3136 8:02
4336 8:3346 8:03
4456 8:3463 8:03
4574 8:3984 8:04
4646 8:4287 8:04
4755 8:4258 8:09
4880 8:4381 8:12
4975 8:4447 8:13
5058 8:4555 8:13
5185 8:4872 8:13
5279 8:4980 8:13
5381 8:5466 8:16
5452 8:5775 8:25
5566 8:5985 8:28
5676 9:0976 8:37
5772 9:1159 8:49
5859 9:3270 8:55
5970 9:44 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 11th November 2017 at 16:05 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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