Posn Stage 1
5.60 miles
16 6:53
225 6:56
38 6:57
451 6:57
52 7:01
628 7:03
723 7:04
89 7:05
95 7:07
1024 7:08
1114 7:09
1222 7:11
1315 7:14
1427 7:16
1516 7:17
1610 7:18
1735 7:20
1829 7:21
1952 7:30
2032 7:31
214 7:36
2234 7:39
2321 7:40
2419 7:45
2539 7:48
2637 7:49
2747 7:50
2848 7:51
2942 7:53
3036 7:55
3145 7:59
3243 8:08
3344 8:08
3411 8:18
3538 8:21
3646 8:23
3741 8:27
383 8:39
3950 8:48
4049 8:59
4118 9:14
421 9:26
4326 10:41
4440 11:27
457 12:00
4630 12:00
4733 12:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 18th March 2018 at 15:50 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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