Posn Test 10
Dunnow 2
0.94 miles
159 12:36
219 13:08
362 13:11
431 13:26
537 13:27
633 13:48
753 13:54
854 13:54
927 13:55
1045 14:01
1160 14:02
1230 14:06
1341 14:10
1416 14:15
1515 14:20
1686 14:22
1750 14:23
1863 14:25
1943 14:32
2048 14:32
2132 14:36
2251 14:36
2379 14:37
2420 14:40
2581 14:43
2668 14:45
2789 14:45
2829 14:48
2984 14:48
3074 14:51
3124 14:57
3272 14:58
3355 15:04
3421 15:05
3571 15:10
3666 15:14
3787 15:22
3882 15:24
3935 15:25
4073 15:29
4123 15:31
4226 15:35
4375 15:41
4483 15:50
4539 15:54
4685 16:08
4776 16:16
4840 16:22
4947 16:22
5036 16:40
5142 16:58
5290 17:04
5367 17:29
5477 17:55
5580 18:32
5646 20:02
5791 24:32
5828 24:52
5956 27:12
6052 27:25
6134 29:47
6244 42:22
6349 2F 14:21
6458 4F 14:42
6588 4F 23:35
6622 4F 29:40

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 6th September 2020 at 18:10 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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