Posn Stage 1
7.02 miles
11 7:18
24 7:29
38 7:32
46 7:36
53 7:48
67 7:51
712 7:57
82 8:04
914 8:04
1018 8:04
1111 8:05
1220 8:05
139 8:06
1423 8:12
1516 8:13
1628 8:15
175 8:16
1815 8:19
1922 8:21
2039 8:23
2121 8:25
2210 8:28
2317 8:29
2432 8:29
2534 8:30
2627 8:35
2724 8:36
2837 8:41
2941 8:46
3025 8:53
3133 8:57
3238 8:57
3346 8:58
3435 9:09
3529 9:10
3644 9:13
3745 9:17
3843 9:19
3940 9:24
4047 9:30
4130 9:38
4219 9:48
4342 9:48
4449 9:48
4550 9:48
4651 9:48
4752 9:48
4853 9:48
4954 9:48
5055 9:48
5156 9:48
5231 10:44
5326 14:02
5436 14:02
5548 14:02

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results were last updated on Sunday 7th July 2024 at 21:41 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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