Posn Stage 1
Euden Beck 1
5.30 miles
11 5:29
22 5:43
313 5:49
410 5:54
55 5:55
66 5:57
714 5:58
820 6:04
921 6:05
1025 6:05
1170 6:06
1211 6:08
138 6:09
1416 6:09
1523 6:10
167 6:12
1729 6:13
1847 6:14
1935 6:16
2038 6:17
2155 6:17
2222 6:19
2336 6:19
2412 6:20
2537 6:20
2645 6:20
2764 6:20
2827 6:22
2946 6:22
3052 6:22
3128 6:25
3248 6:26
3357 6:26
3442 6:27
3518 6:29
3631 6:29
3726 6:35
3834 6:35
3940 6:37
4053 6:40
4154 6:44
4232 6:45
4360 6:47
4450 6:49
4549 6:54
4630 6:55
4744 7:01
4856 7:02
4962 7:03
5041 7:04
5151 7:04
5261 7:04
5358 7:05
5467 7:17
5566 7:22
5668 7:31
5769 7:35
5843 7:58
5963 9:16
6059 12:03

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 10th May 2009 at 17:25 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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