Posn Stage 7
Balehill 1
8.62 miles
Stage 8
Balehill 2
8.62 miles
14 9:072 8:52
22 9:084 8:56
311 9:0911 9:04
43 9:153 9:07
513 9:1716 9:16
67 9:227 9:18
722 9:2222 9:18
890 9:2413 9:21
916 9:2790 9:21
1021 9:3210 9:22
1118 9:3821 9:25
1237 9:4018 9:27
1330 9:4924 9:37
1489 9:4937 9:37
1541 9:5430 9:38
1614 9:5538 9:41
1726 9:5532 9:44
1866 9:5831 9:45
1938 10:0041 9:46
2024 10:0189 9:46
2188 10:0488 9:47
2210 10:0626 9:48
2344 10:0666 9:48
2432 10:0914 9:49
2531 10:1146 9:49
265 10:1242 9:52
2742 10:1340 9:54
2815 10:1515 9:56
2940 10:165 10:02
3045 10:2444 10:04
3128 10:2645 10:09
3267 10:2960 10:20
3365 10:3167 10:20
3446 10:3228 10:22
3551 10:3551 10:23
3649 10:3765 10:23
3760 10:3979 10:27
3879 10:4049 10:29
3991 10:4054 10:29
4054 10:4791 10:31
4170 10:4987 10:37
4287 10:5370 10:44
4362 11:0255 10:48
4455 11:0662 10:54
4564 11:0674 10:54
4674 11:0971 11:10
4777 11:1077 11:11
4871 11:2657 11:14
4980 11:3784 11:15
5057 11:4480 11:16
5184 11:5281 11:28
5233 11:5478 11:32
5381 11:5964 11:54
5478 12:00 
5519 17:15 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 29th August 2010 at 19:18 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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